Net Minutes
- date
- 2019-11-26
- opened
- 20:00
- closed
- 20:19
Check-ins (17)
- Trent Owens (AG1TX)
- John “Pocat” Walpole (K5ZY)
- Don Ling (WB5CKO)
- James Cravey (KG5ZTZ)
- Rick Pfeil (KI5DUJ)
- Jeff French (KM5TW)
- Avery McIntosh (N7ALM)
- Ralph Cobb (W5RYC)
- Roy Wiggins (KR5W)
- Dick Zimmer (W5DZ)
- Bob Henglein (W5GC)
- Mike Wisby (KA5HIA)
- Kelly Copley (AE5II)
- Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG)
- Bill Rose (K5WTR)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Pierre Catala (WA1UAT)
Officer Reports
President KG5EYV
Still recovering….
Vice-President N5ZKF
- Our next meeting is 21 December at the Red Cross office.
- We will hold officer elections; However, we still need a nomination for Vice President. Please contact Mike Wisby (KA5HIA) or Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG) if you would like to serve or if you would like to nominate someone you think would be a good fit for the position.
- Please keep Tracy and Rick Pfeil in your thoughts and prayers as she is struggling with some health issues at an out of town facility.
- Not many special events happening this week, most likely due to the Thanksgiving holiday
Secretary AG1TX
- Having some issues with access to the website in order to post meeting or net minutes. Working with Phil and Gerald to remedy the situation. I appreciate both of them for the time and effort they put in to helping our club!
Treasurer N5GQB
Announcements / Comments
- Mike Wisby (KA5HIA) SKYWARN Recognition Day is December 7th. “The purpose of this event is to test the Amateur Radio Station operations and equipment between NWS Office nationwide and is sponsored by NOAA. This event is excellent practice for ham radio operators as well as NWS staff to become familiar with the unique communication skills available during times of severe weather. It is also a fun event.”
- Kelly Copley (AE5II) Has been experimenting with satellite coms. Has gotten help from a few in the club but has some questions about possible desense with the antenna he is using.
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF) Just like to reiterate that we need a nominee for the Vice President’s position in the club and that we need a quorum in order to ratify the vote at our next meeting. Please make every effort to attend.