- Date
- 2018-03-17
- Convened
- 09:36
- Adjourned
- 10:00-ish
- President: Mark Hnatiuk (KG5EYV) present
- Vice President: Phil Gates (N5ZKF) present
- Secretary: Matthew Barry (KG5LYE) present
- Treasurer: Sly Kapchinski (N5GQB) present
Attendees (15)
- Sly Kapchinski (N5GQB)
- Mark Hnatiuk (KG5EYV)
- Mike Wisby (KA5HIA)
- Gerald Golub (W5VUI)
- Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG)
- Marvin Lowman (KG5MCN)
- Ralph Cobb (W5RYC)
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Dick Zimmer (W5DZ)
- Joe Napoli (KG5SDF)
- Bob Henglein (W5GC)
- Dwayne Walters (KG5LYG)
- Jim Laird (KF5YY)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Scott Rodkey (N5WKY)
Officer Reports
President KG5EYV
Antenna Upgrade Status
- new repeater antenna is on the air!
- 72 ft of coax and 2 male connectors left over for the club
- 3rd-order intermod.
- only at night
- removed 88.5 output tone for now: helped, but didn’t go away entirely
- old tower will be disassembled next week
Repeater Upgrade
- new repeater upgrade is on the way
- significant power output upgrade: 20 W to 50 W
- funding has been met
Taxes and Insurance
- IRS profile created, and tax form filed
- 501(c)(3) forms should be publicly available
- insurance (due 2018-04-01) has been paid already
Social events
- 2018-03-24 08:00 IHOP at Intersection of Hwy 6 and Boonville Rd
- Sometime before Field Day: Barbecue out at KD5DLW’s place
- Plaque presenntation
- Ribbon-cutting
Field Day
- 90 days until
- Equipment
- Antenna Trailer
- HF rig from W5GC
- Laptop with Internet
- Advertising
- ARRL package not available yet
- Prizes and Raffles
- Starting to ask for donations
- Roles (to be made more official later)
- radio operators: at least 15-20 mins on the radio
- greeters
- signage
- cleanup
- …Spreadsheet available somewhere
QSL Cards
- We now have QSL cards!
Skywarn Classes
- Well-attended
- Tour the Houston-Galveston facility
Vice President N5ZKF
- April presentation from Geosciences:
- WSPR location reporting for weather observation
Secretary KG5LYE
[Not enough for quorum]
Treasurer N5GQB
- Bank Balances:
- $4,482.64
- check written for Brian Bachmann Park (refundable): $200
- $250 from membership
- $4,532.64
- Belton Hamfest 2018-04-07
- Houston-Rosenberg Hamfest
Radio in the Park
- 2018-04-14 10:00 (week before meeting)
- 2018-04-21 09:30 Next meeting
- VE Test session 08:00
[Not enough for quorum]
Presentation by KA5HIA on National Traffic System
- Look up “National Traffic System” or “NTS” on ARRL website
- the “relay” in ARRL
- standardized message format
- daily nets
- 40m 7.290 LSB 12:00
- 40m 7.285 LSB 08:30
- 80m 3.873 LSB 18:30
- fun, good practice, and helpful
- https://7290trafficnet.org