2019-04-02 Net Minutes
- date
- 2019-04-02
- opened
- 20:00
- closed
- 20:23
Check-ins (30)
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Don Ling (WB5CKO)
- Mark Hnatiuk (KG5EYV)
- James Cravey (KG5ZTZ)
- Rick Pfeil (KI5DUJ)
- Brad Snyder (KG5SDE)
- Karsten Pearce (KG5YRX)
- John “Pocat” Walpole (K5ZY)
- Jonathan Graham (KD5GG)
- Michael Narcowich (KI5BPO)
- Brian Walpole (N5BLW)
- Ralph Cobb (W5RYC)
- Bill Rose (K5WTR)
- Joe Napoli (KG5SDF)
- Andrew Byorth (KG5JDJ)
- Avery McIntosh (N7ALM)
- Mike Wisby (KA5HIA)
- Dick Zimmer (W5DZ)
- Bob Henglein (W5GC)
- Sly Kapchinski (N5GQB)
- Brent Anderson (WW5OBA)
- Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG)
- Jim Snell (WA5PMO)
- Trent Owens (AG1TX)
- David Barry (KG5UZA)
- Richard Epting (KG5WIV)
- Ernie Pyle (KI5WG)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Jeff McDowell (KI5CES)
- Pierre Catala (WA1UAT)
Officer Reports
President KG5EYV
- Meeting at CEOC
- Presentation on Winlink
- Overview of how local branches operate within
- Worth going to if you have the time!
- Belton Hamfest 2019-04-06
- Radio in the Park 2019-04-13
- W5BCS Club meeting 2019-04-20
Vice-President N5ZKF
- Meeting 2019-04-20 09:30
- VE test session 08:00
- NEW LOCATION! [Salvation Army, 2506 Cavitt Ave, Bryan, TX 77802]()
- Parking along Waverly and Koenig
- Even though there aren’t many special event stations on, get on the air anyway!
Secretary KG5LYE
- ARES meeting tonight
- 20:30 or at conclusion; whichever is later
- ARES meeting Mon 2019-04-08
Treasurer N5GQB
- Not much going on
- PO Box empty
- Everyone paid up!
- Will be at meeting 2019-04-20
- Radio in the park 2019-04-13
- Hosting tables for W5BCS at Belton Hamfest this weekend 2019-04-06
- Plan on using 146.680 MHz simplex frequency (be sure to turn off PL tone)
- Tailgating Friday
- Weather outlook for Saturday doesn’t look good
Buy / Sell
- 160 W ZAMP suitcase solar panel
- Not taking it to Belton after all
- Li-ion battery, charge controller
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bryanarc.org/2019-04-02-net-minutes/