On the 29th of November, 1871, The City of Bryan was chartered. A 150 year history of railroads, agriculture, freedmen, immigrants, and Texas A&M University followed with The City of Bryan at “The Heart of The Valley”. Since 1954, The Bryan Amateur Radio Club has been a part of the Bryan society. With an initial focus on emergency communications, The Bryan Amateur Radio Club has promoted Amateur Radio in the Brazos Valley through radio activities, education, and community service.

Join us on the air as we help to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the City of Bryan. We will be sending out a QSL card for every contact made with our W5BCS special event station at the Brazos Valley Farmer’s Market on 13 November2021. Operating time will be 08:00 to 12:00 CST. 14.230MHz, if it’s available.